Visioning a Renewed Community Center for Park Township
Thanks to all who have been able to participate in our community engagement process! To see the latest updates, visit our News & Resources page.

Why Gather Park Township?
Park Township’s previous community center, located at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds, was lost to a fire in July, 2022. In considering a replacement, the township identified an opportunity for our community to shape a renewed vision for this resource.
Park Township is inviting the public and local stakeholders to collaborate in forming a shared vision, guiding principles, and preferred amenities for a new community center.
Latest News & Updates
Park Township Shares Vision for Renewed Community Center
On Sep 16, Park Township hosted a town hall to report out the proposed vision for a renewed community center, which township officials are considering for construction at the corner of 152nd Avenue and Ottawa Beach Road. The proposed vision, which includes athletic...
Park Township Hosts Community Center Visioning Workshop
On May 21st, the Community Center Visioning Committee hosted over 50 Park Township residents for a report-out and visioning workshop. At the start of the event, committee co-chairs Bryan Jones and Len Pilon reported the results of community outreach efforts to date....
Gather Park Township Reviews Results of Community Survey Results and Initial Public Input Events
At its April 1st meeting, the Park Township Community Center Visioning Committee reviewed results of the township-wide survey and input from community outreach events hosted in March. So far, the Gather Park Township process has gathered input from: 200+ Youth (<18...
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