Park Township Announces Public Engagement Process for Renewed Community Center

“Gather Park Township” to host multiple opportunities for public input in shaping a vision for a renewed community center after the former building was lost to fire in 2022.

PRESS RELEASE — Harnessing the power of collective imagination, Park Township is inviting all residents to shape the destiny of their future Community Center through an initiative called Gather Park Township. The township’s previous community center, located at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds, was lost to a fire from a lightning strike in July, 2022. To drive the process forward, the board formed an experienced, nine-member project committee led by trustee Bryan Jones and planning commission member Len Pilon. 

“Our former community center hosted a variety of activities including athletics, recreation groups and rental spaces for community events,” said Bryan Jones, Park Township trustee. “In considering a replacement, the board has identified an opportunity for the community to come together in shaping the vision for what comes next.”

Public engagement will unfold over the Spring through early Fall and feature multiple opportunities, both in-person and online for residents to get involved. At the close of the process, the township plans to use the community’s input to form a Request for Proposal for architectural design and building services.

Gather Park Township will kick off this week as residents receive postcards to participate in a township-wide survey. In addition, the township is hosting an open-house style event where community members will be able to share their thoughts around the qualities and uses that are most important. That event will be held March 22 from 5:30p to 7:00p at the Park Township offices. As new updates and information become available, Park township has created a website to document the process and share information at A link to the survey is also posted there.

“We are looking forward to proactively listening and seeking the input of our community to create a multi-generational resource that all Park Township residents and visitors can enjoy,” said Len Pilon, who serves on the planning commission and project committee. “This is our opportunity to envision a place that can be built in multiple phases and will serve for decades as a unique expression of our community.”